Gun Owners Symposium is coming on October 22 & 23! Admission is FREE with San Diego gun show admission! ($15)

September 4, 2022

Women & Guns

Lots of women are buying guns and learning how to use them, becoming the fastest growing group of gun owners over the past several years. Listen to the women leaders in the Second Amendment community! Dakota Adelphia, from a Girl and a Gun, and Audrey Mason from San Diego Off-Road Coalition stop by to talk about their organizations. Heather Hawke, Executive Director of Orange County Gun Owners also joined the show to share progress happening up in Orange County.

0:48 – SB918 Defeated
9:34 – A Girl & A Gun: San Diego
43:33 – Smith & Wesson Model 500
45:47 – Keep San Diego’s Off-Road Trails Clean with SD Off-Road Coalition
1:20:00 – What is the official firearm of Utah?

Good News! SB918 and AB1227 were defeated – for now. Also, find out why panicking about these bills is a waste of time. Want to do something effective to help defend and restore the Second Amendment? Join one of the PACs today!

Dakota Adelphia, the Facilitator for the San Diego Chapter of A Girl and a Gun joined the show to talk about her women’s gun group. Learn more about what’s going on in the gun community for women in San Diego:
(619) 629-3344

Pull back the Curtin on the Smith & Wesson Model 500 with Alisha Curtin. Designed to dispatch any beast you might cross in North America, is it the best revolver for your cousin’s husband? See if the S&W500 is the next revolver for your collection.

Audrey Mason, Vice President of the San Diego Off-Road Coalition (SDORC) invites the Gun Owners Radio community to upcoming trail clean-up events. Help keep the trails clean for future off-roaders, and enjoy lunch and a fun shoot! Help keep Smugglers Gulch, Smugglers Cave, and Valley of the Moon clean from trigger trash. Also, find out what the coolest thing Audrey found in her clean-up events. Learn more at, or email

STUMP MY NEPHEW: What is the official firearm of Utah?

Think you can stump Sam? Send in a question!


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