Gun Owners Symposium is coming on October 22 & 23! Admission is FREE with San Diego gun show admission! ($15)

June 23, 2024

Should Non-Violent Felons Own Guns?

San Diego County Gun Owners hosts local, PRO2A candidates running for office at the monthly meetings. Happy Bruen Day! Mike discusses an unusual aspect of the Rahimi case. Should non-violent felons be denied their Second Amendment Rights?

Adam Bendas dispels some misconceptions floating around the internet about USCCA as well as shares some important updates to member benefits concerning GVROโ€™s.

SEAL1โ€™s STUMP MY NEPHEW: Which firearm, designed in the US, became famous for its use by British forces in World War I and II, featuring a distinctive top-mounted pan magazine and a unique barrel cooling shroud?

Support 2nd Amendment Activism and have fun at Casino Night! Get your Gun Prom tickets at

Do you have USCCA protection? If you are a CCW holder, you should have legal protection. Contact Adam Bendas today. / 619-663-4858.

โ€”Like, subscribe, and share to help restore the Second Amendment in California!Make sure Big Tech canโ€™t censor your access to our content and subscribe to our email list: #guns #gunowners #2ndAmendment #2ACA #ca42a #gunownersradio #gunrights #gunownersrights #rkba #shallnotbeinfringed #pewpewโ€”The right to self-defense is a basic human right. Gun ownership is an integral part of that right. If you want to keep your Second Amendment rights, defend them by joining San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO), Orange County Gun Owners (OCGO), or Inland Empire Gun Owners (IEGO).https://www.sandiegocountygunowners.comhttps://orangecountygunowners.comhttp://inlandempiregunowners.comSupport the cause by listening to Gun Owners Radio live on Sunday afternoon or on any podcast app at your leisure. Together we will win.SUPPORT THE BUSINESSES THAT SUPPORT YOUR SELF DEFENSE RIGHTS!Get expert legal advice on any firearm-related issues: https://dillonlawgp.comSmarter web development and digital marketing help: https://www.sagetree.comLearn to FLY at SDFTI! San Diego Flight Training International: https://sdfti.comClean your guns easier, faster, and safer!

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