California’s Second
Amendment Community
California’s Second
Amendment Community
California’s Second
Amendment Community
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Tune in with your friends every Sunday from 5pm to 7pm! Join the show on Youtube! You can also get the show on our website or on your favorite podcast app by searching ‘Gun Owners Radio‘!
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Make sure to catch a new episode every Sunday at 5pm PDT on YouTube!
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Shotguns with Clint Smith from Thunder Ranch
Watch one of our most popular interviews - our interview with Clint Smith from Thunder Ranch on shotguns and home defense.

Gun Grabbing Republican Sheriff Exposed
John Hemmerling was looking for gun owners' support in his campaign for San Diego County Sheriff when he not only supported red flag laws, he helped train other cities on how to use them.
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Enough is Enough, It's Time to Abolish the ATF
March 20, 2023

They Still Don’t Get It! – Supreme Court allows New York to enforce drastic gun restrictions while the appeals court completes its review
March 20, 2023

Gun Control Supporters Should Oppose “Assault Weapon” Bans
March 20, 2023

“Let Them Fight It Out in the Courts”
March 20, 2023

A New Year’s Resolution for All of Us
March 20, 2023

2023, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly – Probably a good year for the Second Amendment, a less-good year for the country, and a tee-up to a possibly ugly 2024
March 20, 2023
California’s Second Amendment Community
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